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A Message from the Achuar People

Dec 28, 2021 | Daily Trek, Tales from the Trek

Achuar - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

Connecting with the Achuar

I had the honor to trek into the Amazon Rainforest with an incredible group of 17 women to explore maternal health seven years ago. During this expedition, the indigenous Achuar people of Ecuador opened my eyes and heart to what has been right in front of me my whole life. I experienced a supportive community in action and the beauty of being in the presence of the protectors of the rainforest, who simply embody self-sufficiency.

As custodians of the rainforest, the Achuar maintain a rich culture, including systems of economic and social organization based on the intricate natural rhythms of their environment.

Are We Ready to Understand the Achuar’s Message?

The Achuar leader shared that when he left the forest and visited the Western world for the first time, even water had a price tag attached to it. He couldn’t pick an apple from a tree when he was hungry. And it seemed like people just wanted more and more of everything. It reminded him of the developers who wanted to come into his home and take all their precious resources.

The women shared a story that when they met the first Western women, they asked them why they don’t tell their men to take only what they need? In their world, they wake up every morning and collectively decide if they will fish or hunt. They have solar electricity that runs for an hour a day so there is no modern refrigeration or storage. If the men hunt or fish too much, they remind them to only take what they need and to not get greedy when they have enough.

What’s Your Enough?

So, when is enough, enough?

Imagine when we each have an answer to this question, what choices would we make?

The Achuar believe that each person who enters the rainforest will tell at least 1,000 people about the need to protect Mother Earth from development and find new sustainable ways to take only what we need and knowing our enough. But you are the ultimate master of your destiny through your beliefs, choices, and actions.

As a powerful creator on the planet, the questions are here to be explored. In 2022, what do you need? What choices will you make? What conversations will you have?

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