An open heart allows us to meet whatever takes place in our lives with grace. And it requires courage to ask for what we need.
With an open heart, we invite unexpected, and surprising things. In 2022, I learned firsthand that miracles happen when we trust ourselves enough to ask for what we need.
For our own internal harmony, this season, we can open ourselves when we are ready to connect in new ways. We can tap into compassion by being vulnerable and real. Perhaps something we can act on is aligning our values for a healthier life—sharing our talents, helping out where we can, or listening with an open heart.
We are able to be honest and share with ease. Overcoming our fears and worries by enjoying the moment and being present. What experiences and opportunities open your heart?
Because only then we unleash our soul to deepen our love of life with curiosity. And we can give a generous gift to ourselves and each other.
Pema Chodron reminds us that “When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it’s bottomless.”
Have a beautiful trek today and every day …