Can Anger Be Channelled?
There is a great deal of anger in all corners of our world today. All we have to do is plug into any one of our media sources and we will experience the existing deep divisions, conflicts, judgement and anger.
But what about the anger within ourselves?
There is not one person on this planet who has not experienced some level of betrayal, loss, shame or has been wounded deeply. And sometimes the anger just builds up inside of us, especially as we visit the dark places in our mind and stay with the disappointment and hurt. And not knowing how to channel it, we lash out at the world and continue to feed these cycles at our own expense.
But what if we can become aware about the anger and hurt within us and choose how we direct it? That’s what happened to me. One day an ex-friend, who is a therapist, decided that it was her job to tell me over and over that I am a victim. I had no idea where her assessment of me came from as I was not a client of hers. I questioned it and it didn’t resonate at all and then, I realized she was referring to herself and not me. In our story, she was the bully and she wanted me to be her victim.
Making A Conscious Choice
Before I realized any of this, I did get angry at first. But I quickly learned that anger allows me to make a choice: I can either let the anger direct me or I can choose to channel it and birth something new.
For me, I spent some time internally feeling deeply into this anger and found that it provided me with guidance and a passion to create something new. While people thought I was nuts to walk away from a very prestigious project, the anger I experienced was a gift from my heart to walk away from a toxic partnership. Had I stayed, I would have ended up angry and victimized.
Being Heart-Centered
Once I recognized that I had a choice, I no longer allowed anger or fear to weaken my immune system. My inner knowing is what I tapped into, instead of the chaos surrounding me.
When we live from our hearts, we become aware that we have a choice in how we respond and react. We no longer care as much about success or failure as we make choices for our own wellbeing. We can choose to spend a lifetime living in anger, disappointment and judgement of ourselves and others, or we can take another path. It’s easy to point fingers, blame and shame. This is much of how our story has played out until now.
Drama is playing out on our screens, as much as our lives, but we get to change the channel and pick who we want to bring into our lives. Our journey is our own and we get to consciously make choices in every aspect of our life.
Questioning Everything
What if anger is also a gift that allows us to channel it so healthy experiences and relationships are birthed?
What are you leaving behind? What will be possible when you do?