Asking for Help
Some of us may have been conditioned to believe that asking for help is a sign of weakness. But what I have discovered is that it’s one of the bravest things we can do for ourselves. And it is a value exchange with healthy people who can walk a mile or twenty-seven in our shoes. And not everyone can show up for us in the way we need and that’s ok.
But at the same time, we get to experience how we each perceive being here for another. It’s sometimes hard when people disappoint us but it can also be a question of disappointing ourselves. What if there is nothing to live up to and no one to look up to?
I found myself in situations where I needed to find the courage to ask for help, which is not easy for an independent soul. And it has been truly life changing as it brought to life what standing in our power truly means.
No dark night of the soul was required; simply asking for help and never giving up until it was truly the help I needed. Not someone else’s story of being a hero, caregiver or whatever. Just pure kindness and support from the heart and an ability to get beyond our own story of how things should be.
Experimenting with Courage
What if we no longer need to settle for less than what we know in our heart we deserve in our relationships? Perhaps asking for the help we need is a way to speak our own truth? And the people who can give with an open heart are in harmony with our values and can truly see us.
Healthy discernment means never giving up on ourselves and making choices based on what we need; not what anyone else thinks is best for us.
Finding the courage to ask for help helps us learn a great deal about ourselves. And also allows us to make tough decisions. When we ask for help, we are not asking someone to do what they believe is right.
When we ask for help, we are being vulnerable and letting people know what we truly believe we need. Not everyone can show up, which is ok. It is a learning opportunity for everyone as real life situations are experiments along the trek.
It is easier to complain than to take personal responsibility for our actions. And for me, I had to make hard choices around my core values. And it didn’t matter that I “offended” anyone because people who are living in this past paradigm are not aligned with me. We all are gifted to make our own choices. There is no blame, shame, judgment and sides in the emerging world.
And it’s beautiful when we get here because when we don’t live in conflict, there is no offense or defense. No winners or losers. There is just life and a path to inner peace emerges as we let go of unhealthy stories and fully trust our own hearts.
Trusting the Universe and Thyself
When we set our boundaries and not allow someone else’s stories to have us compromise on what we actually need, it forces us to examine all of our beliefs. And know that everyone is doing their best but only we can grow and learn what is best for us. I learned to never give up or give in. I also learned that not everyone is ready for radical honesty.
But when we are in a situation where we need to rely on someone to be our voice, there is no room for shenanigans. Trust becomes the core need for asking for help.
And if the person is so caught up in their own drama, and only paying attention to their needs, they are simply not able to help. There is no compromise when our life depends on receiving the help we truly need.
Living fully means we choose not to take the old paths anymore. We bring in vitalizing energy into our lives and question everything all the time.
Is it time to receive the help we truly need? My answer is yes because it is available and heart blowing when we let go of our attachments and trust the Universe.