Beyond transactions and spreadsheets, there are opportunities to focus on relationships. But it takes caring and a commitment to building trust with people. It's not a slogan or a gimmick in a campaign. Companies often invest heavily in marketing and promotion to...
Choosing Life
Choosing Life: The Last Letters In choosing life, we don't necessarily choose our circumstances every day. But we do choose how we show up and react. In a world torn by war, a young soldier named Eden fought to protect her homeland. Amidst the battles, she clung to a...
Life’s Grand Design in Human Connection
Do the people in our lives follow a grand design, or is it all a beautiful coincidence? We cross paths with many people, each leaving a mark on our hearts and minds. Some bring love and support, wrapping us in warmth when the world feels cold. They help us light up...
Evolution of Human Consciousness
The evolution of human consciousness is what we are facing right now. We are at a crucial point where understanding the interconnectedness of all life and raising our consciousness is life changing. Each of us plays a key role in this transformation by growing and...
Beyond the Loneliness Epidemic
More than a decade ago, the loneliness epidemic became a trend, another societal problem to solve like poverty and access to clean water. Solutions were proposed without questioning what loneliness actually means. Futurists talked about cocooning and profited from the...
Weaponized Comments by Design
Are you aware that the creators of social media platforms have weaponized comments, turning them into tools for division and clicks? Since social media began, we can clearly see these networks aren't truly social. They function more as advertising and broadcasting...
Libraries of Things
Libraries of things let you borrow stuff instead of buying. Many make a difference in their communities with just a handful of volunteers and a small space like a storage unit or garage. Do you need toys for your kids for a summer holiday? What if you want to bake a...
Shedding Our Armor
Is it time to shed our metaphorical armor? Because you can't turn around without a self-proclaimed guru telling you to hustle harder. Hustle culture surrounds us, pushing us to grind ourselves into dust. It's like we're all pretending to be okay in this messed-up boot...
Emotional Intelligence: Navigating Beyond Convention
Are you willing to embrace the power of emotional intelligence? Many of us numb our emotions, suppressing and avoiding them. Then, we wonder why we feel disconnected from life. This emotional shutdown leads us to question our passions, purpose, and relationships. Fear...
Ancient Greece, Plato and Us
Ancient Greece, Plato and Us Ancient Greece shines as a beacon of democracy and philosophy. Yet, Plato, a seminal philosopher, took issue with his city's democratic leanings. 'The Republic,' written around 375 BCE, continues to be a key text for exploring ethics and...