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Natural Generosity

Natural Generosity

Cultivating Generosity What if generosity is simply a choice of how we live, love, work, and also play? We are either generous, or not. It's that simple. Albert Camus believed that “Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.”  And Anne...

Caring Enough

Caring Enough

Caring Enough is Personal Our world is changing and maybe instead of riding the waves, caring enough means that we face ourselves and each other in healthy ways. There is a belief now that says, "Just be kind, you never know what someone else may be going through.”...

Taking Flight

Taking Flight

Taking Flight When a plane takes off into a strong headwind, it needs all its force to lift itself off the tarmac into the air and find its flight path. Likewise, our own heads need all possible healthy energy available to us. And an imaginative and creative mindset...

When We Matter

When We Matter

When We Matter We all want to matter and make a difference. And it’s up to us whether we live each day to the fullest or pause and rest when we need.   We no longer need to stuff ourselves with never ending tasks and activities. And take time off to address our...

No One Can Predict Our Future

No One Can Predict Our Future

Predict the Future? No one can predict our future. But we can create the present and lay the foundation for what’s next. When we purchase a plot of land, it will remain much the same until we decide what we want to actualize on it. It takes imagination,...

Stepping In

Stepping In

Stepping In Stepping in our power means trusting our hearts as our compass My dear friend Amy reminded me recently that the verb persevere means to keep moving forward when it’s really really hard and we really want to give up.  I realized that, for me, to persevere...

Ancestor Ties

Ancestor Ties

Each of us has an ancestor who came before us. And when we know them, the inheritance we may receive is not only monetary. Maybe we are also inheriting a lineage of trauma, persecution, bodily disregard and suppression of freedom? There is a great deal of pain and...

The Power of A Circle

The Power of A Circle

The Power of A Circle Understanding the power of a circle is paramount to our life right now. Did you know that circles represent harmony and unity? Lakota Chief Dave Oglala shares, “The Circle has healing power. In the Circle, we are all equal. When in the Circle, no...

Money as Air

Money as Air

Money as Belief The father of modern economics, Adam Smith, once wrote: "All money is a matter of belief."  Before our invention of money, we bartered for goods and services. The Mesopotamian people created the shekel, which is the first known form of currency, about...

Is Humor Serious Business?

Is Humor Serious Business?

The Blessing of Humor Healthy, conscious humor is foundational for our mental health. Did you know that humor helps us create bonds, reduces stress, and can boost creativity? Humor also helps us navigate challenging times. There is something magical when we can poke...

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