Like Nature, when we choose boldness, problems become opportunities. Because all nature thrives on courage.
And so, it becomes about the questions we dare to ask and how far we are willing to experiment. What once seemed impossible becomes a question of: who told me that this was not possible?
When we dare go beyond the limits of what seems possible, it is what Helen called a daring adventure. And part of it is not the goal but the willingness to tap into deep, transformative truths. Because this is where it becomes real to choose boldness.
This mirrors the ancient wisdom found in the dance in the waterfall, which represents a total immersion in the forces of nature. Embracing the unknown with open hearts. By committing wholeheartedly to your path, you engage in a kind of magic. Taking a leap even when the abyss looms large only to discover a lush, welcoming meadow, ready to cushion your fall.
Such experiences teach us about the power of trust and the importance of being open to the unexpected. They show us that our bravest intentions are possible to realize.
The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone in the mid-1990s revitalized its ecosystem. Riverbank vegetation began to flourish, which reduced soil erosion and improved habitats for various species, stabilizing the rivers. In other parts of the world, extensive replanting and sustainable farming practices have shown incredible results.
When we choose boldness, we also allow ourselves to fall and get up again. This is the essence of living in harmony with the natural world, recognizing that it is not a force to be feared but is and always be our partner. That is why respecting our natural sources is so important right now. Knowing what is natural and artificial–from food to people–is key to our wellbeing.
The shift to buying water in plastic bottles shows a deep change in how we view water, a vital natural resource. Historically, water was safe and free from nature. Now, we often drink it from plastic bottles and someone makes a profit. While marketed as healthy and safe, is it really? Chemicals like BPA in some plastics may seep into the water. This has been linked to many health issues for humans, fish and the environment.
But when we align our actions with the health and recovery of our natural environments, nature itself responds in kind, often exceeding our initial expectations. This is not just philosophical, it’s a practical demonstration of how courageous decisions lead to transformative outcomes. We simply need to be aware and choose boldness when we’re ready to author new stories.
“You are an explorer, and you represent our species … bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”―