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Crossroads for the End of 2020 and Beyond

Nov 1, 2020 | Futuristic

Crossroads - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

Crossroads for the End of 2020 and Beyond

Every crossroad we face presents both challenges and opportunities. How we respond to situations shapes our life.

Consider the messages we’ve received about legacy and retirement. These messages, often laced with fear, push us toward a scarcity mindset. Companies profit from our worries about an unknown future. Imagine dismissing this fear and questioning the concept of retirement. What if we aspire to lead a meaningful life throughout, without the need for traditional retirement? What type of world appeals to you?

We’ve inherited a world riddled with strife. Does conflict resolution always mean more conflict? Does the one with the most possessions or popularity really win? The most influential bully doesn’t always have the last laugh.

Anger can be destructive. Responding with offense or retaliation often perpetuates the cycle of negativity. This energy of conflict and division keeps us trapped.

Many of us choose to leave this cycle, not through grand statements, but by our actions. We can tap into our power by recognizing healthier paths and stepping away from toxic beliefs.

In these uncertain times, with countries bracing for the next wave of lockdowns, we face embedded societal fear. Despite the challenges and widening divisions, we’re also witnessing hope and courage. People are taking time to delve within themselves.

Unlearning is at a Crossroads

The concept of unlearning isn’t novel. It has ancient roots, and numerous self-taught pioneers have trailblazed paths for humanity. It’s heartening to see people now choosing to step away from our fast-paced culture and align with more wholesome lifestyles.

The emerging timeline involves leaving resistance and conflict behind. It means acknowledging our wounds but not carrying them everywhere. The old narratives of villains, victims, heroes, and saviors become irrelevant when we reject toxic agendas.

Change begins when we acknowledge our wounds, reconnect with nature, and become aware of the choices we make. Some will cling to false safety, complying with those who wield power toxically. That too is a choice. One person might see a problem; another sees the same situation as an opportunity.

This is a time when we can seize our power, resist the lure of elusive promises, and venture into the unknown. As reality unfolds, there’s an entire unexplored world waiting for co-creation.

Embrace the journey!

Ayelet, Sunshine Coast of BC

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