What would happen if we were daring as a way of life? What if we really went after what we needed? What would we say our biggest opportunity right now is?
What would we discover if we have the courage to lose sight of our problems? What if we can bring what we find wondrous and daring to life?
All it takes is one choice and one grounded step to be daring and shed anything unnatural and superficial. And what if we remember how to let go and dream? We don’t need to be caught up in old identities and beliefs.
Imagine the most impossible thing and question why you may believe it to be impossible? Is it really impossible or is that just a story?
Whether it’s because of a shift in circumstances or simply a mindset shift, something we perceive as impossible can become more feasible. But it requires effort, persistence and experimentation. When we are curious, we can harness our courage and enthusiasm to move toward it.
How many experiences have you had where you did the impossible; things people told us were not ever possible? Because we each have a few stories. We probably can’t rely on certainty anymore. So when we dare to be different, we can take a chance or decide to play with curiosity.
Consider Helen Keller, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.”
What if we can create something that does not yet exist? What are you daring to create? What is your most daring adventure?