Goals and journeys have destinations associated with them. Getting there, wherever there is, is the focus.
Wherever you go, there you are.This saying reflects our tendency to constantly want to be going places, as though escaping to a different location will change our reality.
No matter where we go or what we do, we take ourselves and all our baggage with us.
But we don’t have to drag our baggage with us everywhere we go. When we always reach into our past, our life energy becomes rooted in it.
We can choose a path of attracting or facing demons in the shadows and beating ourselves up by associating with what stagnates—or we can become aware of the power we have to shift our individual thinking process. What type of world do you want to create and be part of? The universe does not make mistakes.
Today, many of our systems are collapsing, and that is our opportunity to build healthy bridges—starting with ourselves. It’s about building a connection, a bridge, to ourselves, each other, and the planet.
As long as we can construct our stories from our hearts, nothing is lost. We’re always transforming.
The house or structure you live in may have wood floors or beams that were once trees in the forest. The necklace or shirt you’re wearing may be organic or modified with synthetics.
Everything starts with nature, and we transform it through our imagination and curiosity. We build physical bridges from material and invisible bridges with our beliefs.
Sometimes, we believe we’re stuck and there’s nowhere to go. But that is when we upgrade our own operating systems to take us on a journey of discovery, accepting that there’s no final destination and there’s always a way when we flow with life.