The Energy of Discernment is Here for the Taking
Discernment, in 2022, has a very different meaning and significance than what we’ve known up until now. It is a healthy energy that helps us trust ourselves more and tap into our inner knowing. And it has absolutely nothing to do with judgment or taking sides.
When we let go of the need to be right and to wrong someone else, we step into a new playing field with more options and possibilities. We sense a freedom for no longer needing to be a character in a fight, conflict or divisive situation. The world around us starts to feel more open and filled with possibilities when we put down our swords. Finding peace in the choices and decisions we make is truly what is available to each of us.
When we restrict ourselves to beliefs like this is the way it has always been or there’s nothing I can do, we remain trapped in a box. And unless we understand the root cause of these beliefs, we will manifest the same situation over and over. When we choose to surround ourselves with people who only see doom and gloom, should we be surprised that we feel down or stressed? When we talk about our problems all the time, we will have more drama and problems show up inside our box.
Positive Thinking Isn’t Always the Answer
Positive thinking will not get us out of the box because thinking is not enough. We need to see the full spectrum of choices and then practice discernment so we can take action.
Let me give you an example. Samantha had an ability to see the ills in her company and prayed that she would get a new boss. She believed that someone else could fight for her and make all the problems go away. Instead of choosing to look at the root cause of her suffering, she chose to put her trust in the hands of someone she didn’t know.
And when the new boss arrived, her situation actually got much worse. New solutions to a problem are not always healthy ones. And expecting someone else to save us is a choice we make even when it’s unconscious. Samantha’s positive thinking was not enough since a new boss brought her even more stress.
Know thyself is an ancient practice and timeless technology of discernment. When we spend time tuning out the noise so we can truly feel into our choices, we start seeing a way out of the traps and seductions around us. Imagine if Samantha took a path where she trusted her heart and simply not only chose a company to work for but people she resonated with. Who wants to go to work every day and fight all day?
Discernment Requires the Courage to Act
Look around your world right now. Can you look beyond the chaos? What choice are you facing? And, how do you define discernment for yourself and can you step out of the old paradigm of right and wrong, and trust what and who is healthy for you and what and who is toxic? Can you see what’s possible when you stop giving your power away? What path do you desire?
Discernment is about being aware and conscious of all that is in front of you as you navigate the next five years. It takes courage to check in with yourself and examine each choice by seeing what resonates most with your heart in the moment, and then in the next one and the next one. The choices and discernment you practice are preparing you to take personal responsibility and accountability of your life, which ultimately will have ripples on those around you.
Socrates reminds us that, “Obscurity is dispelled by augmenting the light of discernment, not by attacking the darkness.”