Do We Have A Discomfort Zone?
Discomfort seems to be a theme for many of us these days. And what’s so interesting is that we may be increasingly feeling uncomfortable with what’s emerging as an unfamiliar world around us.
Yes, there are some who want to get back to “normal.” But many of us are wary of what once was consider normal.
Many older people are confused about the world as there was a belief it was progressive and predictable.
Younger people are feeling overwhelmed by the world they are inheriting. Some are seeing through social media platforms, influencers and questioning everything.
There is a growing disillusionment with sharing only positive and like-induced photos online. Reality is sinking in and it’s very different from half-truths portrayed online.
Many feel like giving up right now and some are. The outer world keeps telling us how we should be. And increasingly people of all ages may be feeling who we are and what we do is of no consequence. But what if that is a story? Can we see the story for what it is an explore what is real and true?
Discomfort is Part of Transformation
For some of us, this is a time where transformation becomes very real. It becomes challenging as we transition from being super busy to learning to pause, for example.
Many have embraced meditation and yoga and yet have-not mastered stillness. We are being asked to unlearn busyness and make space for the unknown. This goes against everything we know up until now.
It’s not about taking time off but creating a life of flow and deeper harmony. And it is possible. But it means that we can’t take people, situations, habits and beliefs with us. Coming head on with resistance is a sign to wake up to the reality of a situation.
Author Pema Chödrön shares, ″We might think, as we become more open, that it’s going to take bigger catastrophes for us to reach our limit. The interesting thing is that, as we open more and more, it’s the big ones that immediately wake us up and the little things that catch us off guard.
However, no matter what the size, color, or shape is, the point is still to lean toward the discomfort of life and see it clearly rather than to protect ourselves from it.″
We don’t always need to know what’s next when we trust the currents.
Wherever You Go, There You Are
When we live in discomfort or conflict, it comes with us until we release it. Often, everything we need is within us but we can’t access it when we are rushing or in pain.
What I learned in the last year is to pause and set up situations where I can see what people are all about. And when I see who they are through their actions, I believe them. Especially when I find myself in unhealthy situations. Practicing zero point neutrality is never done as life has a sense of humor.
Our mind learned to participate in stories. To share horror stories of how we were treated with blame and judgement. At school, we were compared to everyone else and it continued into our work environments.
But we are not responsible for someone else’s inner chaos but how we react is entirely up to us.
We can observe any need to win or be right within us. When we rush to decisions, we create discomfort. This is why listening to the whispers of our heart and internal navigation system matters.
Do you understand what causes your discomfort? Can you observe the separation or alignment between your mind and heart?
What’s Calling You?
We are being called to build bridges and jump into the unknown, step by step. It’s a daily trek of possibilities to get to the healthier world.
F*ck the Bucket List for the Adventurer (Book 2) ends with this passage: “In this current reality, no one’s path is easy. But when you stop comparing yourself and living up to the expectations, you’ll find yourself alone—discovering the courage to leave the harbor and trust the currents.
And maybe, like me, you’ll also find a deep gratitude for everything—the terrifying places the mind takes you, the failures, the heartbreaks, and the breakthroughs. Taking steps into the unknown and inviting healthy experiences expand your horizons.
When you’re no longer a victim of your situation and systems, you choose discomfort and uncertainty with an open heart.
British poet, Alfred Tennyson, reminds us, “The shell must break before the bird can fly.”
Please love yourself enough to take your own leap of faith and soar into your unknown.”