Experiencing the Unexpected
Imagine, every morning, being curious about experiencing what the day will bring without the need to control everything. Is that a possibility?
Yesterday, I took a very early walk on the beach and saw new fences and construction obstructing my morning trek. The area under the pier was now off limits as the annual dredging took place.
I let my heart lead me to find a new spot to experience the day before my first video conversation. I climbed the stairs to the pier and started to walk way above the water. The tide was high so there were lots of surfers and I am always mesmerized watching them catch the waves.
All of a sudden I saw something in the water that did not resemble a surfer so I stopped and focused my eyes on that area and realized there were two pods of dolphins frolicking in the water. I love dolphins and was delighted to experience their presence. I spoke to a few people who also stopped to enjoy our morning gift.
Had I just felt challenged and frustrated, I would have left the beach. But there are always opportunities waiting for us when we understand that every day all we need is to choose to be present without letting anything get in our way.
The old me would have felt frustrated and probably left the beach but with a healthier mindset after years of working on becoming aware that there is another way than what I was conditioned, I am willing to shelve any plans and let life unfold.
Experiencing the Present
When we are present, achievement is no longer as important as experiencing the unexpected.
Have you ever felt that you are exactly where you are supposed to be? And sometimes you laugh so hard because nothing happened as you expected and despite some of the challenges you encounter, you know in your heart to trust life. Every choice is valuable and an opening to possibilities.
Our challenges are truly our greatest opportunities to become aware of what we no longer want to experience. When we accept ourselves with curiosity, compassion and courage, we no longer fear the unknown. We know in our hearts that by becoming aware and conscious, we see every experience as a way to open ourselves to the natural flow of life.
Bob Marley observed, “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.”