The Great Questioning is Here to Stay (for a while)
Over the next few years, our relationship with life, and work, will change dramatically. We are experiencing The Great Questioning, not just the Great Resignation. As we become more aware of the importance of jobs and professions that have not gotten much attention in our past, our entire way of living will transform.
People Have Had Enough
Decades of downsizing, rightsizing and layoffs, at an organization’s whim, have taken a toll on humanity. As 2022 will be the Year of Choice and Discernment, there will be an increasing number of people evaluating how valued they are from fair pay to working conditions to benefits and most importantly, quality of life. No longer waiting for someone to pick us, millions of us are choosing our wellbeing.
The light will be shined on the people society paid the least attention to as we begin to realize they have the greatest impact on our economies. Being in our heart allows us to treat ourselves and people with compassion and kindness, no matter what job anyone has. It’s about opening our heart and seeing the big picture of what is possible when we no longer need to fight for our lives or win at all costs. We will understand that the politics of division, and our command and control structures, are meant to keep us from our power by design. And we will each make choices based on the questions we ask.
People are shifting from making a living to pay the bills to living a meaningful life–understanding what we truly need and when enough is enough. We will witness more people demanding wages that support a balanced lifestyle. There is an increasing realization that employees bring as much value to organizations and we not only need to be compensated fairly but the quality of our life matters. This is part of the shift we’ll experience over the next five years from division to wholeness, which requires us to make conscious choices and embrace personal responsibility. Once we realize that organizations don’t need to be machines of misery, we will free ourselves and be ready to create what’s next in our lives and the world.
Being Open to Possibilities
Over the past decade, an increasing number of young men have chosen to leave the planet from frustration with the current state of the world to the expectations placed on them. Youth today are often being criticized for being lazy but many are simply misunderstood. Young people have different values. They want to be respected and are looking to make their way in a much different world than the one they inherited. Many are going within to unleash their imagination by asking questions like, “What do I need?” and “What can I create?” Their age is not stopping them from uncovering answers to their deepest questions.
When we listen and invest in our youth, we will pay attention to the questions that arise. Our youth will create systems that support a healthy way of life and will be guardians of our environment, especially our oceans. Many are already living from the heart and it’s time to learn from them about kindness and meaning.
We will also see more women continue to leave corporate jobs to start their own business and make different life choices; no longer believing the work-life myth and choosing to lead our own lives. People nearing the retirement age will choose a different way to live. Some will change jobs as the focus changes on how make life more meaningful. Feelings like being useless will compel many to go to great lengths to discover what brings joy to this chapter of life. We will ultimately create a life where we never retire from doing what we love.
Things will not change unless you stand in your truth from your heart. You will find people becoming more frustrated with the politics of this world, no matter which country it is. The public service systems are dying and no longer serve the well-being of the people. And there are people building healthy systems that serve the many; not the few.
What Is Your Great Questioning?
When we honor ourselves and each other, the economy will also flourish in ways we didn’t think possible. We will finally open our hearts to understanding that values are not just a list of attributes we talk about. The Great Questioning allows us to break the patterns of the past, and never look back.
The Great Questioning will change everything and help level the playing field as we realize what is not working and make the changes. It is asking each of us, at our own pace, is we can:
- Question everything?
- Remember that you are a powerful creator of your life?
- Release fear?
- Release judgement?
- Move away from needing to be right and ask yourself, what are you here to create? And with who?
- Notice what you truly need?
- Notice what people around you need?
- Know your enough and when enough is enough?
- Understand that no one has your answers?
- Listen to the whispers of your heart?
- Choose what you walk away from and what you walk toward?
- Experiment and play with joy and whatever else makes you come alive?
Going Deep Within
Now, can you take a moment and stop all the thoughts in your mind?
Say to yourself: “I have everything I need right now, in this moment. I know my enough.”
And take the time to understand how this makes you feel. The question is no longer how is life treating you but how are you treating life? The fear you may feel doesn’t need to come where you’re headed but maybe that rush of excitement and curiosity can? It’s a choice what you bring with you on this journey and what you leave behind.
In F*ck the Bucket List for the Soul, the Universe shares: “When you want something, you’ve never had, you need to do something you’ve never done.”