Questioning is Foundational
What happens when making healthy choices becomes a way of life for each of us? Isn’t that what being conscious is all about?
Throughout history, people have prophesied the end of the world. As far back as 2800 BCE, an unknown Assyrian prophet wrote on a tablet that the Earth “is degenerate in these latter days. There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end.”
Many people today also believe that our world is in one of its darkest times and on the verge of collapse. But why would the collapse of a world filled with fear, hate, anger, blame, loneliness, depression, addiction, division, war and conflict not be healthy and timely?
Who truly wants to be a puppet in someone else’s power struggle, suffering throughout life? Why do we need to suck it up and accept the status quo when it is unhealthy for most of us?
Where does our deep-seated fear of change originate? And how can we unleash the energy of creation and take back our power, individually and collectively?
Making Healthy Choices
While massive attacks are playing out on the global stage and in our environment, more of us are expanding our imagination of what is possible. And we are deepening our understanding of ourselves. This is the perfect time to make healthy, conscious choices about every aspect of our lives.
It also takes courage, energy, and massive curiosity to figure out whom to trust in today’s world. Who do you trust to deliver on a promise? What information is trustworthy? What is healthy and what is unhealthy for you? And how much do you trust your own decisions versus being told what is best for you by an outside authority?
Today, we have the wisdom to know that filling our oceans with plastic and polluting our air and drinking water is unhealthy for all of us. We have the knowledge to make healthier choices and stop trusting those who contribute to poor choices in the name of profitability.
More of us are focused on finding trusted connections, meaning, and a healthy way of life. We’re witnessing the breakdown of many systems, and yet we’re also more connected than ever. When you look for them, you will find many stories of people creating sustainable products in a circular economy that offers holistic solutions to anyone ready to live consciously.
Moving forward, once we know ourselves, we can know what we would like our environment, our culture, and our well-being to be like. We can engage in healthy dialogue with our youth and elders, be on the land, and connect with nature.
We can ask for help from outsiders but not allow them to overpower us with whatever they believe is the best solution for us, when they don’t know us. In the words of author James Baldwin, “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”