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Hitting Pause

Jun 15, 2024 | Conscious Communication, Daily Trek

Hitting Pause - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

I am hitting pause, for now.

Thank you for being on this crazy journey with me. I am grateful in ways words cannot express.

Writing and helping are my loves. I never know what will come out next. Every day, a new creation springs. And I almost made it to 1,000 daily posts with only a short pause this past October to deeply grieve. But the number of posts don’t mean as much to me as the ripples and hearts that are touched.

I don’ share or write about what I don’t practice myself and we’ve had many exchanges here about taking a pause. So, it’s my turn now to listen and practice.

You can always reach out when you need. You are never alone. I care deeply about us, which has been my downfall so far. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

In the meantime, enjoy the start of summer, this beautiful natural planet we are blessed to live on. I am so looking forward to more of us stepping into our power, facing our shadows and moving towards the creation of a healthy existence. It takes a lot of connected villages focused on our greatest opportunities with healthy, curious and courageous souls to make a dent in the universe.

I am not sure when I’ll be back as I am relying on my internal GPS to let me know the way into the great unknown.

Again, thank you and stay tuned.

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