A World of Best Practices
In a world of best practices. self-awareness is the cornerstone of authentic living and creating a life that resonates deeply with your true self.
But why are so many obsessed with best practices? No one really knows what is best for you.
There seems to be a lot of ‘do what I say’ but not what I do taking place. And what an amazing opportunity is this?
This is a time not to way for anyone or follow anyone who does not take responsibility to listen and learn. LinkedIn, like TED talks, on the surface has become an echo chamber. But when we take responsibility, we can use these platforms to truly connect with people. It it takes effort and creativity.
In the broader societal context, the reliance on governmental or business entities to “do their job” often leads to disempowerment. This disempowerment persists because it’s easier to expect solutions from others than to engage actively in creating them. And if they were, why do we have greater divides?
Education systems are also grappling with their relevance and impact. Programs that appear transformative on paper need to transcend the theoretical to make substantial real-world contributions. Yet, the lack of visible change despite these programs poses critical questions about their practical application.
But it’s never an issue of fault and blame. Because that’s simply perpetuates our history to repeat it over and over. It’s about taking responsibility for the opportunities right under our noses.
Because pointing fingers is a symptom of repeating history. That is why letting go of what no longer works for us is so important.
Everything can end and begin with us.
Sharing concerns is not taking action on our opportunity to create a healthy path instead.
A World of Best Practices or Questioning
But maybe instead of stuffing ourselves with more best practices, tools and frameworks, we start by being curious about what happens when we shift gears. Maybe our starting point is all about questioning everything.
Instead of reporting the answers (best practices), maybe we share our questions openly.
I read a post yesterday about how we are living n a hologram of quantum physics and nothing is real. I wondered whether this philosopher would agree to walk into a glass door, head on. Perhaps they also believe the blood would be ketchup like on a movie set. Because we so love to pretend.
We also love to create stories. People were agreeing in the comments of how real our hologram is. But the truth is no one knows much of anything. And that is ok because perhaps we are being asked now to get grounded and author healthy stories that matter. Because one of our questions may be, where does our true power lie? And how much do we trust ourselves as creators?
What if your life is crafted from the inside out? Maybe each day, you’re handed a blank canvas and the colors to fill it come from within you.
Isn’t it strange that you’re taught not to hurt others, yet you often hold yourself captive to your own fears and inner conflicts.
Here is another story. Plato said that courage is recognizing what NOT to fear. But the deeper question, is what does courage or whatever you need look like for YOU?
Only you can make healthy choices for yourself, learning to embrace the dance of life with your own colors of awareness.
Maybe then, together, we paint a world of possibilities where we are the real creators.