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Is It One Big Experiment?

Jul 19, 2023 | Daily Trek, Unlearn

One Big Experiment - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

Contrary to popular belief, all of life is one big experiment; trekking into the unknown. And along the way, unlearning quite a bit of what has been stuffed into us.

But we have been led to believe that we need to be vulnerable, authentic and transparent, when in reality these are simply human traits. And our true nature.

Imagine a world where we never talk about being vulnerable, authentic or transparent simply because that’s how we show up. Our communication would flow and we probably would find ways to come together rather than fight and need to be right.

Can we work on how we see ourselves and connect with our vulnerability, authenticity and transparency? What if it has always been here waiting patiently for us to turn on its switch. And it doesn’t really matter how anyone sees us. Because the people who truly matter will never judge us harshly or be offended. Because they know that we never want to hurt or harm anyone. And being offended or triggered is someone else’s story; not ours.

We have been numbing ourselves for years—whether through addictions to material stuff, beliefs and even substances. Did you know that buying and accumulating more than we need is a sign of hurt and pain? It comes from a false story—the “never enough” myth. This myth tells us that:

1️⃣ More is better.

2️⃣ It’s just how we roll.

3️⃣ We don’t have enough. We are not enough.

These lies trap us in a loop of endless consumption and also a need to constantly improve ourselves. It feeds into a false belief that there is a state of perfection.

But, can we break free as a big experiment?

Imagine we collected experiences instead of stuff, what would our life look like when we become aware that:

1️⃣ We are enough when we know our enough—from food to relationships.

2️⃣ Experiencing life—the ups and the downs—opens us up to learn.

3️⃣ There is a constant flow that allows us to tap into our human nature

These actions lead us to growth, joy, freedom, and most of all, love. They widen our world and guide us towards healthier ways of being. So, can we make our mark with experimenting and understanding that life is messy?

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