Superficiality by Design
When we humans created social media, we embedded superficiality into our online “community” platforms. Just like when we created social norms, we distinguished between polite and rude behaviors.
And ironically, we let our social media posts instruct us to “Make sure we are happy in real life. Not just online.” I saw this post this morning and did not “like” it even though I adore the person who posted it.
Think about it. Who set the bar that we need to be liked? Why do we need to show the world we are happy all the time? How does superficiality enhance our lives?
Because we created advertising and broadcasting platforms under the guise of being social, we continue to talk at each other and pretend we’re happy. We can’t have deep relationships using shallow platforms. But do we have to stay divided and suffer through life trying to meet unrealistic goals? And why do we need to when we can stand in our power and be who we truly are?
Big Shift: From Superficiality to Connection
We seem to be talking at each other or over each other. Congratulating each other on accomplishments and achievements. Comparing and competing for our fair share of awe and recognition. Always pleasing an audience or trying to grow it like our bottom line. But what can happen when we understand that it’s all human-to-human and we need trusted relationships more than likes?
Commenting is not dialogue. Sharing a post is not really sharing; it’s simply trying to reach more and more audiences. For anyone writing a book, the most useful “advice” is to already have a community that will receive your offering. With thousands of books published every day, it’s a crowded “market.” It is no longer about the impact of the book but having the marketing machine in place.
But when we care about each person we impact, social media becomes pretty useless. Because we know that likes and influences are only about generating more and more hype.
We have yet to have true social networks where we can find each other and connect heart to heart; unless the communities are passions, life events, disease or trauma related. There are plenty of groups that don’t even use fancy platforms to connect around a specific type of cancer, for example. And there are also peer-to-peer communities that have been built to support patients and caregivers. They have been around for a very long time.
But for those of us trekking into the unknown or pioneering healthy ways of living and working, true communities don’t exist, yet.
No Real ‘Easy Button’ in Life
What we need are places that have no superficial likes or comments and allow us to connect deeply. There are people connecting around our purpose who are building amazing communities by weaving different elements of what exists. But true communities need to be integrated, not separated or a place to go, and we will see them sprouting over the next five to ten years.
Getting there means we won’t be talking about social media or the platforms. We will no longer be leading with a technology or structure. Living systems will emerge; created by us.
Superficiality will not be welcomed in real life experiences when we become conscious about who and what we allow in our lives. It will simply be about connecting based on what we care about openly and in dialogue with people from anywhere in the world who also care deeply.
Our focus will be on what we’re creating, and the technology will be integrated in the fabric of our purpose, passion and dream.
Human intelligence as Creators
We don’t talk about the machine or grinder that makes our coffee anymore. We simply enjoy a really delicious cup of java, for example. While we design and set the rules of engagement, we forget. We are the ones creating technology, including AI, for example. And we are training AI rather than understanding how it fits or enables our lives.
The dishwasher most likely does a better job of mechanically cleaning our dishes. But we don’t go around talking about it like we do with AI tools right now. Humans can build intelligent, and sometimes not so intelligent, technologies. Our power source is our generator of possibilities. That is our mission critical core that we cannot give away to anyone outside ourselves.
Superficiality is not needed where we are headed when we are grounded in reality. And when we practice open and honest communication, we stop telling stories of the past and begin to imagine and create together.
Our egos don’t need to be stroked anymore when we’re real. We are only at the beginning as there is so much unlearning and unconditioning that needs to take place first to get out of our own way.
For those of us who need to be authentic and real, purposeful integration is the way forward. Should we choose this mission of finding our joy in every aspect of our lives, oh the places we will trek …