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Living in Possibilities

Dec 5, 2022 | Daily Trek, HeartPickings

Living in Possibilities - Ayelet Baron - Radical Trekking

Living in possibilities means that we are fully aware that the world is full of opportunities.

When our hands touch the soil beneath our feet, we can feel with our hands the depth of life. The health of our soil is foundational to our own health as everything is connected. The act of planting is about bringing forth new life.

Imagine what we can co-create with deep intention; living in possibilities. 

This is what happens when we truly see our lands and the possibilities of regenerating our Earth. Teaching children about our deep connection to the natural world and imagining what’s truly possible.

Children becoming aware of the source of everything. And being part of a greater movement to restore and regenerate our lands and water. And the skill of weaving intentions with real life opportunities is what we learn together with children. The foundation is being set for us to not only simplify our lives but go back to basics. 

The future of life depends on our becoming increasingly aware that everything in Nature is alive. And that there are so many opportunities for us to reunite with our natural selves. 

The choices we make are paramount as the harmony many are seeking today cannot be bought. As more of us  are asking ourselves whether we are we making conscious or unconscious choices in every moment of our lives, we focus on our health and wellbeing.

And in a world free of judgement and a need to take sides or win at all costs, a fresh canvas appears, called creation with a deep longing to unite with our natural environment.

What is calling you deep in your heart that wants to emerge on Spaceship Earth?

If everything is possible, now what?

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