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Myth of the Pedestal

Mar 18, 2023 | Daily Trek, Unlearn

Myth of the Pedestal - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

Pedestal Practice: A Human Nature Phenomenon

The practice of putting people on a pedestal is rooted in human nature. And is based on the belief that some people are more important than others.

Ancient Greek and Roman cultures created statues of gods and important figures on pedestals. This practice symbolized their elevated status above ‘ordinary’ mortals. Over time, it  meant that important individuals were placed on a figurative pedestal. They became objects of admiration, reverence, and idealization.

There are several reasons why we have learned to idealize ‘important’ people and celebrate them. Until today, we have been taught hero-worship. And the heroes are athletes, actors, billionaires, philanthropists, and public figures who get the spotlight. It has nothing to do with making significant heart-centered contributions to society.

Our society teaches us to idolize people who have ‘achieved’ success or fame. We collect autographs and photos with celebrities if we are lucky enough to cross paths with any. Maybe by idealizing them, their importance and success will rub off on us?

Deconstructing the Pedestal

Isn’t it fascinating that we also created the concept of an unsung hero to refer to a person who performs heroic deeds? But ordinary mortals do not receive the same level of recognition. We call them unsung heroes because they don’t seek recognition or applause. Just ordinary people doing what needs to be done.

After all, what society does not currently foster is that each one of us is remarkable. But in the world that is emerging, we will go to museums and history books to see who we put on pedestals. Because we will no longer need to look up to anyone because of inflated success. And there will no longer be a need to call someone an unsung hero in a healthy world where we care for each other.

In this new emerging world, courage is found within us. The only way someone can be important is if and when we give them this power, or stay tethered in a belief that we are less than.

Discovering Intrinsic Value and Worth

By exploring new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking, we can challenge the status quo and discover new ways of living that are healthy for all of us.

At the same time, creating a whole and healthy society requires fresh thinking that challenges the paradigms that are collapsing right now. It also requires a willingness to question assumptions and challenge the status quo.

Are we ready to question the norms that perpetuate the practice of putting people on pedestals? And create a healthier future filled with meaningful dialogue and co-creation?

Is it time for each of us to become aware of who we put on a pedestal and why we deem someone important? Can we challenge our assumptions and broaden our understanding of what is possible?

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