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The Hype of the Next Big Thing

Sep 24, 2022 | Daily Trek, Unleash

The Hype of the Next Big Thing - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

What is innovation? Innovation is about creating the next big thing that everyone celebrates and desires. There is a delusion that the more innovative we are, the better. 

We get so busy racing from place to place that we get seduced by advertisers convincing us that new and improved is what we need. And sometimes, we are told, the innovative offerings revolutionize everything. But do we want a revolution right now?

We are being fed that the Metaverse is the next innovative big thing where we can dress our avatars, buy NFTs and spend our lives. And despite the fact that our foundation is cracking, we keep building more and more stuff. From Quantum computing to AI, we often forget about the basics of what we actually want and need to live a healthy life. And of course, respecting our natural environment. 

What if We Grounded Ourselves?

What if we were more discerning when it came to our attention and became aware of seductions and addictions? Do we really need someone outside ourselves to be our source of inspiration? And do we need to be the first to adopt all the innovative new stuff? What happens when we know our enough

We have a huge opportunity to say yes and no to what we believe is healthy for us. And becoming aware of our needs right now is key. Technology on its own is just technology—and isn’t it time we remember that we get to choose whether we want to buy real estate in the Metaverse or not? What if the biggest influencer in our life is our heart?

What we need is integration—truly understanding the value of new technologies, for example—and whether they help us or not. We get to ask the questions and set the bar. We don’t need to consume mindlessly whatever the feature of the day is. 

When we fall in love with the beauty of life, so much shifts. Because we focus on the profound possibilities of the unknown. 

Although we may have more technology available to us than previous generations, to connect deeply, what we need is more curiosity, purpose, courage and a vivid imagination of the world we want to live in and co-create. Now isn’t this some very cool innovation to explore?

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