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Beyond Normal is Where Possibilities Dance

Apr 21, 2022 | Daily Trek, Unlearn

Beyond Normal - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

Normal is Average

When engaging in an activity every single day, it is an integral part of our life. We may label it routine or even normal.

There’s nothing special about doing laundry, washing dishes, making lunches or doing other daily tasks. But being normal, certainty and predictability are hard wired, deep inside of us.

Every day tasks and responsibilities are not as exciting as planning a vacation, special event or ticking something off our some-day bucket list. Isn’t it interesting that some of us divide our lives between the mundane and exciting with a constant need to plan and look forward to something special?

Uncertainty is Really A Host of Possibilities

And yet, for those of us blessed to wake up every morning and take another breath, we have an opportunity to celebrate this very achievement every single day.

The dawn of a new day brings the possibility of new beginnings, a fresh start, a new birth. Not taking anything for granted, including our breath, allows us to breath new life into opportunities.

When approaching life with gratitude, we greet each morning with a an appreciation of the life that exists and go beyond what is considered normal. That ray of sunshine after a long winter, a call from a friend overseas or our favorite cup of java or tea in the morning can not only ignite the start of our day but support us throughout the day.

And if we are feeling sluggish or overwhelmed, let us not focus on the problem but the opportunity at hand. Can we take a different approach? Can we pinpoint what’s bringing us down or not working?

It might require us to change a daily routine, an aspect of our life or how we approach our well-being. And call me crazy (and many do), we might need to change our way of thinking and let go of unnatural divisions so we can open ourselves to life itself. What childhood freedom can we gift ourselves?

We might even discover there are gifts in finding comfort in not knowing what’s ahead of us and living in ambiguity. Novelist, Fyodor Dostoevsky, once wrote, “Times of crisis, of disruption or constructive change, are not only predictable, but desirable. They mean growth. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.”

Letting Go of Normal

When we let go of our normal habits, there may be some initial fear. But when we reframe uncertainty as possibilities, we can congratulate ourselves for having the courage to live a life of a curious adventurer.

Get ready to trust yourself, let go and discover what you’re capable of creating. Our world is ready for conscious leaders, the bigger question is, are you ready to own your place in history?

Perhaps the only certainty we have is uncertainty when we choose to go beyond what we’ve been conditioned to believe is normal.

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