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Nothing is What It Seems

May 20, 2022 | Daily Trek, Unleash

Nothing is What It Seems- Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

What if Nothing is What It Seems?

Nothing is what it seems. So much has been concealed and hidden deep inside of us, but slowly we are discovering how we can navigate and maneuver through these times. More and more of us don’t want to go back to ‘normal’ or old stories—whether it’s how we work, how we live and what we focus on. 

The weight of the world may be uncomfortable right now because massive transformations are taking place at a number of levels. This rollercoaster ride is here to help us become aware of the societal structures that potentially hinder and limit us. 

It may seem that we are on a self-destructive course right now but as the veil of reality lifts, we are less focused on tying our destiny to old, stagnant stories. Once we realize nothing is what it seems, we can breathe again. We can engage with the 24/7 media barrage of breaking news that generates fear and uncertainty, turn down the volume at our own pace or not even turn it on.  

When We Trust that Nothing is What it Seems

We can either nurse our regrets, ruminate, contemplate, grieve, shout, complain, and keep ourselves stuck, or we can lovingly release the past, knowing that it gave us whatever we need to experience.

In between these two states lies a choice: close a chapter of our life and move on in search of something completely new or adopt a completely new, healthy attitude to a situation that we don’t feel ready to leave.

Neither is right or wrong; it’s just whichever feels healthy for you.

We generally know when it’s time to move on or when a situation still has life in it.

But whatever we choose, know that it will be our attitude and mindset that determines everything

Sometimes we perceive great challenges in our lives that appear overwhelming. And they are when we stay stuck in the problems. Opportunities appear in our lives because we’ve made the space for them to emerge.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.” —William Shakespeare

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