Truth Revealed
Much is being revealed, as truth is brought to light that requires us to become clear on our attachments and choices we make.
When we have a relationship with life and no longer see it as a series of events to get through, everything becomes possible. Who doesn’t dream of experiencing calm, joy and meaningful ways of living?
At the same time, many continue to choose to buy into increasing fear, focus on being “ safe,” or simply choose to hide.
But what’s being revealed is that there’s actual work to be done. And the work is to stop following blindly and live in fear. What if there’s nothing to fear? What if instead we have so many opportunities to experiment with?
Only when we begin to tap into our own truth can we be in our power. And we are so powerful when we do because we no longer choose to debate or argue or stay in our lane.
We become aware that anything that divides or separates us and each other is not healthy. Do we need more warriors—even spiritual ones—fighting for our lives. Conflict only brings about more misunderstanding and divisions. What if there’s no need to fight?
Because when we fight the system, we simply strengthen it.
Much is Being Revealed
And our systems have been collapsing since 2008. The status quo, which was the foundation of life for so long, has been falling apart. It can never be the same again and no amount of fixing, saving or changing make a difference.
Warring is not the answer for our future. We need systems that promote the flourishing of all life with peaceful coexistence in the fabric of our lives.
When we continue looking to the past as a model for the future, life will continue to be what it has been. While we believe it’s safer to hang on, the truth is that we can never go back to a former situation. There is no rewind button on life.
But what if the future we desire exists, and is within our reach? What if there is a way forward? And the way includes curiosity and experimentation when we envision choices ahead.
What if we simply became more curious by being open to the unknown and unfamiliar?
Experimenting is a Choice
Asking questions and being willing to create meaning that may rock the boat. But maybe even saying no to rules that no longer make any sense or are harmful to our wellbeing is a choice?
For those of us who have been called troublemakers or rebels because we’ve always seen that there are alternative paths to take, this is an exciting time. Because when we no longer need to fight or want to cause “trouble,” it becomes a way of life to live our purpose.
It is through visionary thinking and seeing the bigger picture at play that we can create a world that we can each take part in. Healthy systems can only be built on a healthy foundations. This is why it’s time to challenge ourselves on what we believe is impossible.
We will face a pivotal point in 2023 that will usher in a wave of choices that will be up to each of us to take. This is not a time to keep quiet or stay safe. When more of us live our truth, we also live our highest potential. And we find the others ready to create what we need on the trek.
There is a magical orchestration waiting to be embraced when we design and build together through experimentation. Are you ready to create something powerful and healthy in the world?