Sacred Listening
Sacred listening means we speak from the heart and share ourselves without censoring ourselves or worrying about how we are perceived.
The listener listens with an open heart and suspends judgment. Understanding our questions allows us to not only peel the layers of onion off our beliefs, but also pay attention to our own patterns when it comes to communication.
It is easy to want to hold on to the past. But as we become aware that there is another way, we begin to take note of ancient human technologies: trust, relationships and community.
Letting go of certainty means becoming open to possibilities. We have an opportunity to accept ourselves as we are and tap into practices, like listening, that unleash our curiosity.
Sacred Listening Circles
A number of us gathered last week; about twenty of us of all ages. We ran sacred listening circles and relied on an ancient technology called dialogue. We shared questions and listened. No one was an expert on anything.
We started with each person sharing our greatest opportunity for 2023. And then people created and joined a circle with a corresponding opportunity. The circles ranged from diving deep into reverse aging to bliss, freedom and citizen science. There were no rules or guidelines to follow; just dialogue and connection.
And as we closed, we found, in rich dialogue, how energized we felt by sharing and being heard. It was a rather cold day in Sedona and a few people were happy they decided to come out and play. Because it was “easy” to stay under the covers. We created an opportunity for connecting about what we care most about and it was heartwarming to openly explore our opportunities.
Conscious Communication
Ancient technologies like human connection and relationships are natural.
We didn’t spend energy talking about struggles, problems and challenges. Instead we focused on our opportunities and just writing them down was the first step. And then, sharing them helped each of us get a bit clearer. Imagine if we began asking each other about our opportunities.
Sacred listening circles build community and create a sense of connectedness with ourselves and each other around personal growth, healing and curiosity. This is a powerful technology ripe for true community building.
It is a scared process because there is no expert instructing us. Our opportunity is to be fully present and open rather than formulating an immediate response or trying to “fix” or solve someone’s problems. And when everyone has a voice, we listen to our hearts more.
We begin to emerge as opportunity-creators with a tweak to our navigation system when it comes to our own consciousness. And as always, we need opportunities to practice and develop our abilities.