Seeing Clearly with Our Hearts
Seeing clearly that each one of us is here to do our own work is understanding that no one can do it for us.
Allow whatever no longer serves your well-being to drop away from you. Set your own natural pace and rhythm; there is no need to rush. You really don’t want to carry around heavy baggage everywhere you go on your life journey. Clearing them out will help you stop dragging them around.
When you no longer mask the deep whispers of your heart, you will question everything and listen to what’s calling you. This will clear your path so you can step into healthy choices, healthy challenges, and healthy opportunities. It requires you to learn a completely new way, one of freedom from limiting beliefs and bucket list items that were never yours to begin with.
It takes commitment and hard work to push yourself beyond your limits, especially when your gut tells you that you are on your path and you learn to always pay close attention to what is calling you.
Seeing Clearly is What Intuition Helps Us With
One of the greatest scientists of our time, Albert Einstein, invites us to become aware that “the only real valuable thing is intuition. Trusting your intuition can sometimes lead to difficult choices, such as letting go of people who don’t support you, even people you’ve spent a lot of time with.
The truth is that there is always a way. You may not always like the door that opens up to you or the choices you make, but there is always a way forward. You might find yourself a bit disappointed when you realize that the guy you walked away from is now a multimillionaire or that the project you worked on with the narcissistic people became an overnight success and you didn’t benefit from the success yourself.
But you have no regrets because none of it was calling you. You saw that underneath the money and success there was vast emptiness, and you chose to walk away from toxic people and situations. The cost of staying was too high for your health.
Cutting ties with people who are simply toxic to your well-being is an important step to consider. And if you release them, you can also release the part of you that invited them into your life.
Remind yourself as often as you need to that this is your life. Not anyone else’s. People around you do their best to provide you with guidance and tools. But there are no absolutes.
Coming into your own melodic harmony, balance, and peace means trusting the truth in your heart. No one has your answers, even when they mock you or cheer you on. You can spend time on your own in natural surroundings as a way to let yourself breathe and find peace. But please, ask your own questions, because no one else owns them more than you.