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When Self-Righteousness is No Longer Invited to the Party

Jun 14, 2022 | Conscious Communication, Daily Trek

Self-righteousness - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

Self Righteousness Today

Self-righteousness is the belief that our ideas and behavior are morally superior than those of other people.

A sense of self-righteousness is alive and well right now in every corner of this world. It is an unconscious belief and behavior that has been embedded in many of us to fight for our lives and do what is right and just. 

It is part of the widespread separation that exists—from ourselves, nature and the split between work and life—and the constant schooling of being good.

There is Another Way

But what if there is no need to fight or be right all the time? 

When we are in harmony with who we are, how we show up and our own choices, we trust and believe in ourselves. And we have our own backs to support in alignment with universal laws. 

What if there is no need to compete anyone more in races to the top and live in self-righteousness? What if there is no need to compare ourselves to external measures of success, which are just stories we inherited? 

The new emerging world is embracing everyone with our ability to pause, breath and flow. We are learning to silence the negative voices in our heads or the need to be better than anyone else. And it takes practice as these are new healthy skills that have been dormant deep inside ourselves.

The 7% Leaving Self-Righteousness Behind

People often look at me funny when I share that there is a percentage of the eight billion people on the planet who are walking two worlds right now. But those who are curious and onboard know the bridges are quietly being built because we are the ones pioneering.   

There is the world that most people are in right now where there is deep separation and suffering. It is a world where we judge ourselves according to limiting beliefs we inherited like statistics, time, physical appearance, age and societal norms. In this world, there is a lot of lip service to change as there is a focus on solving problems, without getting to the root.

There is also the world that is emerging in which we are stepping into our power and questioning everything. 

I was recently invited to a scared conversation in this new world where people shared how they are creating healthy structures to support their lives, outside the lines of conformity.  It was fascinating to hear the different ways we are choosing to make contributions and what is actually possible. 

And there was a sense of emerging community of exploration. There was no space for self-righteousness but an excitement to explore the unknown.

Change is at the Root of Opportunity

The capacity to leap into this emerging world is accepting that we cannot know what will happen. In sacred conversations, things arise and flow; no one needs to prepare or be on the defensive. 

When we open the door to opportunity, we experiment and accept that we are all learning and all equally have the capacity to contribute. We explore the unknown together when we are each in our own power.

But the transformation that is quietly taking place is not one that forces a new way in the old paradigm. No fixing, saving or solving old problems.  When we try to do so, we will consistently fail as the old world was designed to be the way it is today.  When children ask questions, they learn that the programmed answer is, “this is just the way it’s supposed to be.” And at some point, there is acceptance of the systems and institutions with a need to conform and be right.

Healthy people are questioning and experimenting. We do things in our own way. And it’s happening because we can and no longer need to be right; just healthy. 

What we find in sacred conversations is an exciting ability to listen, share and flow. It is what co-creation is all about when we choose healthy dialogue and connection. There is something beautiful when the focus shifts from judgement to true collaboration around our greatest opportunities. And when failure transforms into experimentation.

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