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The Buzz that is Storytelling

Jul 11, 2022 | Daily Trek, Unlearn

The Buzz that is Storytelling - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

The Buzz that is Storytelling

Storytelling is a buzzword of our times. And it’s interesting because most of what we do in our life is star in and share stories. Our entire lives are made up of stories we tell ourselves and each other.

When information is shared by experts, we assume the storytelling is fact based. But when we use concepts like pitching and selling our stories, there is a fine line drawn when it comes to accurate storytelling.

When we pitch, there is a level of sensationalism and seduction weaved into the storyline.The goal is to project an air of authority that makes our narrative and message convincing. A pitch is an attempt to persuade an audience to buy or believe what is being offered.

Fact or Fiction

Experts are expected to have the answers. And experts who are gifted storytellers often understand how to seduce an audience to grow following and influence. 

We can write our own stories or let forces outside ourselves tell us how we should learn, live, work and play. Many are building digital platforms to maximize their profits. They will be pitching us why we should not miss the opportunity to do so with them. 

This is a time to make choices and discern which stories we buy into and trust, and which don’t serve us. More and more people right now are trying to make sense of the world with all the shifts that are taking place, and increasing uncertainty. 

But to discern between fiction and fact is our job. We may be told certain stories and it’s up to us to not only fact check them but trust our intuition. Everyone is allowed to speculate and project their expertise and opinions, but we get to learn to choose who is healthy for our wellbeing and who is not. And not everyone is, despite the story they tell. 

The Narrative of Storytelling in Real Life

Words are no longer enough. It can feel devastating when you find that someone is not who they say they are through their actions. And yet, we are free to leave toxic situations and stories. We have been told a story that we must be strong and suck it up. But when we know in our hearts that there is another way, we can understand which stories serve us and which no longer do. 

When people question our integrity when behaving poorly, our job is to observe, listen and learn how to take care of ourselves. Because when we love, conflict is not a way of life. Dr. Nicole LePera guides us about the stories we tell ourselves, “When we find ourselves in patterns of relationships that are abusive or emotionally neglectful, the most important step is to allow ourselves to see this truth without the blame.”

We keep so much bottled inside of us when we are always worried about our audiences and pitching. But the rubber hits the road during challenging times where we can discern between fact and fiction. 

Knowing ourselves means understanding our needs and values. Many people spend a lifetime waiting to be approved and validated by others. But no one walks in our shoes and we get to decide the direction we flow towards. 

The stories we tell ourselves matter and empathy starts within; when we no longer buy into someone else’s pitch. Actions speak louder than words and tell a story.

“What’s empathy?” asked Rabbit.
“It’s the ability to meet someone — anyone — at a point in their journey, with understanding.” said Bear.
All the while keeping in mind that we can never really know what it’s like to be someone else.

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