Beyond Stress

Beyond Stress

Beyond Stress Each of us faces stressful times in our lives. And isn’t it interesting that the origin of the word stress comes from the late 13c. meaning “circumstance that causes anxiety or hardship”? And from Old French destresse (distress). When...
Beyond Conflict and Adversity

Beyond Conflict and Adversity

Conflict As A State of Mind Go to any image search right now and look for an image on conflict and it will tell you everything about our culture. Some days, even though there are people around us, we may feel alone and misunderstood. It happens to all of us at some...
Creating Is for the Courageous

Creating Is for the Courageous

Creating Is for the Courageous What if  this is an amazing time to be alive? Creating is for the courageous when we we consciously choose to live a healthy and meaningful life. Now is a time to share what we are made of with our own voice, integrity, empathy, and the...
True Fulfillment is Living in the Present

True Fulfillment is Living in the Present

Being Present We don’t know exactly how everything will play out especially when we’re not present. We may plan but we don’t really ever know what will happen next. A choice, a decision, a second can change our lives. That’s all it takes. Being open...

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