A Few Ways to Think About Future Collaboration
Co-Creating the Future I am not sure anyone really knows how many different types of coffee choices we have—from Americano to espresso and latte—and how many are being imagined for our future consumption. If you are a coffee drinker, you might like it unsweetened but...
Questioning Everything as A Way of Life
Questioning Everything is on the Horizon As I was questioning everything, I read this comment yesterday that stayed with me, “Same shit. Different decade.” As a child of war, I laughed out loud and wept on the inside. Some of us choose to rely on trusted,...
Winning and Losing is a Choice
Why Winning at All Costs is a Limiting Belief When we have winners and losers, no one wins for very long. There is a temporary high for winning, a celebration but over time, it fades until the next win. And when we lose, we can hit rock bottom and it may take a while...