WeWork’s Roller Coaster Ride

WeWork’s Roller Coaster Ride

WeWork: A Meteoric Rise WeWork’s story is a roller coaster. It tells a tale of big dreams, rapid growth, and a sharp fall. Maybe it’s also a lesson in how organizations, much like humans, go through cycles of life and death. Some fall and rise again, while...
The Invisible Path

The Invisible Path

The Invisible Path: Conscious Leadership in Our Time Our world is on a journey toward conscious leadership, but it’s an invisible path. When we start to ask questions, we see signs of this healthy leadership—from dialogue to shared purpose and thriving...
Honey is Magical

Honey is Magical

Honey is magical. It feeds us, heals us, and has a rich history. Here are some sweet notes and why bees are so important to our wellbeing. Boost Your Brain: Interesting, right? Honey helps your brain. It has a substance that supports memory and immunity. Align the...
What’s Next

What’s Next

What’s next is a question that can cause us to pause instead of rush and panic. And it’s perfectly ok not to know what’s next. There is something freeing in giving ourselves a runway to explore. Some of us convince ourselves that it’s possible to control...

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