Bringing in the light is about lightening our emotional load and infusing life with a sense of lightness and clarity. Strange things appear on our screens every day, catching us off guard. Some are so shocking, we might spit out our coffee, feeling like we’re...
Why the Roller Coaster of Distraction Demands Our Attention Do we take another ride on the roller coaster of distraction, or does our wellbeing demand our attention? Many find ourselves on a tumultuous ride, fluctuating between extremes of highs and lows, rather than...
Awakening to war changes our perspective. We start questioning the beliefs that guided us for so long. Take a look at history. It keeps repeating stories of division and conflict. People die, and war becomes a backdrop to our lives. Yet, sometimes we pause. We see...
Why Street Art? Street art has roots that go deep into history. It began as a form of expression and communication. Ancient cultures used cave walls to tell stories. But the modern form of street art, think graffiti and murals, got big in the late 20th century. People...
Cultivating Forgiveness: A Universal Endeavor Cultivating forgiveness sets the stage for a journey that shifts our focus from division to co-creation. The idea of releasing resentment, anger, limiting beliefs or obligation lies at the heart of forgiveness. This...