Nothing to Lose

Nothing to Lose

When we have nothing to lose, a sense of freedom emerges. We face challenges with courage, embracing change with open arms because there’s nothing to lose. The old stories say that life’s unexpected curveballs test our courage and adaptability, reminding...
Farm to Table

Farm to Table

Farm to Table: From the Ground Up Farm to table is on the rise, encouraging us to think critically about our health. By prioritizing locally sourced and organically grown ingredients, we support local farmers and the environment. Understanding the origins of our food...
Here Now

Here Now

It is so wonderful when we fully choose to fully be here now. When we realize we don’t need to vacate our day-to-day life because it is already balanced and full. We can spend our life listening to so many theories, philosophies and beliefs. These are constant...
No More Sacrifices?

No More Sacrifices?

No More Sacrifices? Sacrifices are about giving something up for the sake of gaining something. Some of us sacrifice our health, for example, to wake up every morning at 5 am, drive two hours to our jobs, so we can put food on the table and pay our bills.  What if we...
Coloring in Our Own Way

Coloring in Our Own Way

Coloring Inside the Lines Coloring in our own way means stepping out of conformity. Life is different for each of us and yet, we have learned to compare ourselves to others. It starts early on at school and for some, never ends.   During our life, we will be...

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