Taking An Idea to Market Taking an idea to market frequently leads us down unexpected paths, especially when we remain open and unattached to specific outcomes. This requires a willingness to venture into the unknown and the courage to let go of preconceived notions...
In the realm of entrepreneurship, our power lies in the questions we dare to ask. And our ability to discern guides us. This is how we shatter the conventional, stepping into the unknown. When you realize that no one knows much of anything, and that everyone is in the...
From Data Pioneering to Dire Straits: The Struggle of 23andMe Years ago, while leading strategy for a global humanitarian project, I met one of the co-founders of 23andMe. The story unfolds in unexpected ways. Our advisor chose to explore her family history using...
Forging New Paradigms: A Personal Initiative Creating new paradigms is our focus this year, at any level we choose. The important part is not to wait for others to do it for us. If we wait, we’ll just see history repeat itself endlessly. The old world dies, and...
Coffee, often accepted as a common beverage, is actually a testament to human ingenuity and societal evolution. Imagine sipping your morning brew, a daily ritual so ingrained in your routine that it feels as natural as breathing. Yet, this simple act connects you to a...