Navigating A Divided World
Navigating a Divided World I wrote about finding our voice in a divided world yesterday. And often, I am tested about what I share. I try to do my best to live my words through actions. In need of a refreshing walk last night, I coincidentally bumped into a couple I...
Our Deepest Passions
Our Deepest Passions In our daily lives, being open and honest often seems like a risk and we often avoid coming face to face with our deepest passions. We’ve learned to cautious and as a result, build walls to be “safe.” But consider what happens when we let those...
We Don’t Know Exactly
We Don’t Know We don’t know exactly how everything will play out. Planning and goals are part of the program we were given. But we don’t really ever know what will happen next. A choice, a decision, an opportunity, a second can change our lives....