People often view natural aging as imperfections needing correction. Dermorexia reflects our obsessive skincare behavior, from teenagers’ fear-driven routines to adults’ costly treatments, all fueled by a fixation on maintaining youthful appearances. But...
Imagine that instead of having a mental health month, it was a daily practice for many of us? Would we be addressing depression holistically? Because recent studies have shown a deep link between inflammation and brain health. This shift affects our understanding of...
Adverse Childhood Experiences and daily stressors profoundly impact our mental health. However, cultivating a deep sense of meaning in life is one of our greatest opportunities. A child’s brain acts like a sponge, absorbing knowledge and learning from...
Divorce benefits are companies way to recognize that statistically, divorce ranks as one of the most stressful experiences in a person’s life. Second only to the death of a spouse. To not interfere with work, new benefits emerge. Divorce is increasingly seen not...
Improving Workplace Wellbeing Starts with the Workplace, Not the Employees Workplace wellbeing starts with a human environment of caring about people. In the United Kingdom, many companies, about half, adopt formal wellbeing strategies. These strategies include...