Unlike human herd mentality, bird formations like the V-shape in migrating geese help each bird maintain energy and enhance navigation. Flying together, birds also enjoy a shared experience, maintaining a smooth and efficient migration route. Herd mentality happens...
Navigating today’s reality often feels like pushing a pea up a mountain, a task both tedious and seemingly insurmountable. But did we come here to be pea wranglers? In a world pulsing with fear, we witness the divisions we’ve constructed and inherited....
Navigating a Divided World I wrote about finding our voice in a divided world yesterday. And often, I am tested about what I share. I try to do my best to live my words through actions. In need of a refreshing walk last night, I coincidentally bumped into a couple I...
Breaking the Shackles of Mediocrity The word “mediocrity” comes from the Latin “mediocris,” meaning “of middle height or degree.” It originally described something halfway up the mountain, neither at the peak nor at the base. In...
Awakening to war changes our perspective. We start questioning the beliefs that guided us for so long. Take a look at history. It keeps repeating stories of division and conflict. People die, and war becomes a backdrop to our lives. Yet, sometimes we pause. We see...