The Mechanics and Dynamics of Authority
The Mechanics of Authority Authority and force compel us to conform and work, which leads to dysfunction and suffering. Yet, we each possess the ability to free ourselves from imposed structures and norms that limit our expression and fulfillment. Yesterday, a dear...
The Power of Truth
The power of truth serves as our guiding light in a world where lies and hatred can easily steer us off course. We live in a time where some are trying to make hate a virtue and lies a standard. The ripple effects are harmful and vast. But it doesn’t have to be this...
Waiting Until Things Fall Apart
I often wonder, why do we wait until things fall apart to act? Lately, this thought consumes me as more people of all ages are choosing to leave life behind. Consider job loss in a world where we define ourselves by what we do; not who we are. Losing a job leads to...