Coloring Inside the Lines Coloring in our own way means stepping out of conformity. Life is different for each of us and yet, we have learned to compare ourselves to others. It starts early on at school and for some, never ends. During our life, we will be...
Things Are Not Always as They Seem Things are not always as they seem and this is very true when we spend time with people. We learn a lot about each other and even more about ourselves. In a car, we are told when we use the side mirror that “objects are closer than...
Birthing A New Beginning Ending and beginning are natural cycles. Some experiences happen so we may unravel, unlearn and begin our next chapter. We each have an ability to understand that the beginning is foundational. The sun always comes back around. No matter how...
Toxic Relationships Are Not for Everyone Do you ever look at relationships and truly ask yourself whether they are healthy or toxic for you? And, do you ever reflect on past relationships that were unhealthy and ask yourself why you chose to be undervalued or accepted...
The Buzz that is Storytelling Storytelling is a buzzword of our times. And it’s interesting because most of what we do in our life is star in and share stories. Our entire lives are made up of stories we tell ourselves and each other. When information is shared...