Wrestling with Unresolved Relationships
Many of us wrestle with unresolved relationship issues right now. These might be personal, professional, or otherwise. But here’s a thought. What if we can turn these issues into opportunities? What if we can learn from them, grow, and move forward? Facing...
Coloring in Our Own Way
Coloring Inside the Lines Coloring in our own way means stepping out of conformity. Life is different for each of us and yet, we have learned to compare ourselves to others. It starts early on at school and for some, never ends. During our life, we will be...
Becoming Aware of Our Choices
Becoming Aware of Our Choices Philosopher and Playwright Jean-Paul Sartre believed that “We are our choices.” Here is another way to look at choices. Imagine that we went through a hellish experience and we say no more; it’s time to make a change. We prioritize...