Transforming Time Transforming time allows us to consider a different pace of life as we develop a fresh perspective on our relationship with time. In bustling societies where productivity reigns, the slower rhythms of rural life often go unnoticed. Life exists on...
Taking Charge Transforming our reality invites us to embrace our true potential, guided by our passions and purpose as adventurers on a journey. Buckminster Fuller’s timeless wisdom resonates today: “You never change things by fighting the existing...
Conscious Living When we’re conscious living, we not only take charge of our lives, we play with possibilities. No longer sleep walking through life by being fully aware of the choices we are making; learning and growing along the way. And we become aware that...
Unraveling Many of us are feeling like we are unraveling, coming undone and at the same time, also breaking free. It’s all happening quietly. I recently spoke to someone who is questioning everything and feeling increasingly isolated. The corporate path is no...
Turning the Corner Every moment in life holds the potential to be a turning point. Some may be anticipated and others often catch us off guard. But it’s the unexpected ones that have the greatest impact and shape the course of our lives As we move through...