The Future Unfolds The future unfolds in real time, yet remains a mystery until it happens. Embracing this uncertainty gives us permission to live in the present with awareness. We critically evaluate the information we receive, recognizing that transformation is a...
We Don’t Know We don’t know exactly how everything will play out. Planning and goals are part of the program we were given. But we don’t really ever know what will happen next. A choice, a decision, an opportunity, a second can change our lives....
Co-Creating the Future I am not sure anyone really knows how many different types of coffee choices we have—from Americano to espresso and latte—and how many are being imagined for our future consumption. If you are a coffee drinker, you might like it unsweetened but...
As adventurers, humans have explored the moon, distant galaxies, faraway lands, and the depths of the oceans. We are curious about how things work and celebrate our technological innovations and scientific breakthroughs. But how curious are we about exploring...
Seeing Clearly with Our Hearts Seeing clearly that each one of us is here to do our own work is understanding that no one can do it for us. Allow whatever no longer serves your well-being to drop away from you. Set your own natural pace and rhythm; there is no need to...