Tests Are All Around Us
A woman decided to build a community for artists, which was a test of her conviction. She witnessed an increasing suicide rate among her friends and wanted to provide support and connection. She believed that in community, there would be more dialogue and an openness to explore ways to help each other.
She let people know what she was doing, and why, and asked them to introduce her to artists.
Soon, people started showing up. With the money she raised, she brought in specialists and experimented with different programs. She tested different approaches; her community was forming and the support was expanding! And, while many dared to go to dark places, they now no longer needed to call these places home.
Being Tested
One day, her brother, a well-known musician who toured the globe, asked her:
“Don’t you know that there are many people going through hard times? The state of the world is awful and the suicide rates are at an all time high everywhere.”
Concerned by this, she thought, “My brother is right. These are very hard times, and there is so much suffering.”
She took a long walk along the beach with a friend and played out a scenario where she expanded her reach and grew the community beyond artists. But she had seen this play out a million times before and knew in her heart that she was not here to save or fix everything that was broken in the world. She was not ready to offer inferior programs and lose focus as this would be the price of growth.
Her passion and focus was on artists and she was not in the growth business. Her calling was all about creating a bridge to healthier ways of living for artists. She imagined the ripples that would be felt from a community of healthy artists sharing their gifts and bringing light into even the darkest corners of the mind.
She learned that there is no need to push too hard or overdo it. Knowing when to say, yes, and when to say, no was a constant test.
Traps, Seductions and Reality
There are traps and seductions that we each face and how we respond is up to us. Being anchored in commitment, awareness, and complete trust in ourselves keeps us grounded.
Hard times call courageous people to take action and take on only as much as one can.
What is here to test your courage?