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The Imagination Era

Apr 14, 2023 | Daily Trek, Futuristic

The Imagination Era - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

In this Imagination Era, we face the unique opportunity to collectively envision and create the future. An age where creativity and imagination are the primary creators of value.

Imagine when each of us cultivates creativity, critical thinking, and adaptability in this era of questioning. A friend recently shared she was approached to join a covert pyramid scheme. Years ago, Beth was invited to a private meeting with one of the leaders. And while they promised wealth and success,  Beth was not  interested in just making a lot of money.

This response left them puzzled, prompting them to ask her what truly mattered to her. Beth replied, “I want to make an impact and love my work. Money is secondary.” Consequently, Beth is now guiding her daughter in making conscious career choices from the heart. It starts with imagination and at the same time, being grounded.

It’s a choice we each face when it comes to transforming ourselves and our actions. Are we prioritizing a well-paying job for a paycheck  or instead, an opportunity to imagine meaningful work? In the second scenario, we realize full-time work is no longer secure. And that we have natural power and abilities to trust ourselves.

John Lennon reminds us, “There’s nothing new under the sun. All the roads lead to Rome. And people cannot provide it for you. I can’t wake you up. You can wake you up. I can’t cure you. You can cure you.”

After all, this shift starts with each of us. We were born to color with a vivid imagination and live like never before in unity, not conformity or uniformity.

It is about valuing creativity, imagination and courage in all aspects of life, from unschooling to unlearning and society at large. Every single spark of a healthy idea, perspective or insight creates a life-altering ripple effect.

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