Life Changes When Trusting the Currents
Trusting the Currents is our own ability to navigate our lives as we learn to increasingly trust our own navigation system.
Imagine, for a moment, you’re seeing the world from the perspective of nature. You’re a seed that has been planted firmly in the ground, surrounded by darkness. Above you, you feel a sense of warmth and gratitude when you receive water and sunshine and are connected with other seeds and lifeforms under the ground.
There’s a vast network of intelligence for you to rely on unconditionally. You have no choice but to grow as more water and warmth reaches you. And this warmth you experience makes you curious about its source and, slowly, you push through the soil. You don’t really know where you’re headed and have no destination in mind.

Trusting the Currents
Now, you’re a human being. You’re on a walk one crisp spring morning, experiencing the blossoms of flowers and plants emerging all around you. You’re amazed at the beauty that surrounds you and the flowers, fruits, vegetables, and trees that are abundantly emerging after months of winter.
As you take this walk, are you aware of the pure magic that you’re witnessing? Do you appreciate the natural cycles that provide for us, or are you too busy rushing around being efficient, productive, and ticking off items on your lists?
There is beauty in trusting the currents with a deep understanding that nature teaches us to trek into the unknown at our own pace and have faith in the resources of the sun, the water, and the earth. There is abundant beauty in nature’s silence, its intelligence, and its daily miracles.
Lynnda Pollio, in her visionary book, Trusting the Currents, reminds us that “It’s something how our fool mind tries to build the future on worry. Why should something terrible happen? I remembered Jenny saying how thoughts make our lives, and decided to remove that fearful thinking, allowing my heart and its love to saturate the moment instead. I figured if we want the best in life, we shouldn’t expect the worst from it.”
We’ve been taught that we’re here to participate in a world where events happen to us. We’ve also been given tools, frameworks, and practices to navigate this world with indicators that tell us when we’re succeeding and when we’re failing. But what if we’re not just here to navigate our life and the world, but to come into harmony with nature to be powerful creators?
What is it that you want to live by, who do you want to create with, and what is it that you want to experience?