What’s next is a question that can cause us to pause instead of rush and panic. And it’s perfectly ok not to know what’s next. There is something freeing in giving ourselves a runway to explore.
Some of us convince ourselves that it’s possible to control life and know what’s next. But it is mostly a way to avoid feeling into everything. Nature embraces waiting periods, allowing dormant plants to flourish later. In contrast, we often judge ourselves during restful times and doubt our potential for renewal.
In the current world of knowing, certainty rules and the unknown is feared. We must constantly achieve and succeed. But we no longer have to live this way. Sometimes, the freedom to trust our hearts leads us down the healthiest paths. By allowing ourselves to be guided by our passions and inner wisdom, we may find that our lives unfold in surprising and fulfilling ways.
As we embark on our trek, we give ourselves permission to explore new opportunities and embrace innovative approaches with a wild imagination. Because we have the possibility to find ourselves feeling more alive and capable of facing whatever life presents to us than ever before.
Leading into the future isn’t about merely embracing new ideas. What if instead, it’s about uncovering a new level of capability within ourselves? Perhaps navigating the unfamiliar and uncertain and understanding what frightens us actually heals us.
Discovering what’s next involves trying different things and experimenting. By fostering a curious mindset and accepting change as a natural flow, we uncover transformative ideas and breakthroughs. We may discover that some things we were told or believed bring us joy are not for us.
We may choose to leave a secure job to pursue a dream career or start a business. By following our heart, we might face challenges and uncertainty. But embracing the freedom to listen to our hearts allows us to remain open to new possibilities and create lives that align with our values. By doing so, we build a foundation that reflects our unique strengths, aspirations, and contributions to the world.
Leaders uncover our true potential in these situations. Although finding others to walk with on this journey isn’t always easy, we can support each other as we experiment, learn, and thrive. By staying true to ourselves, we shape what is possible and make a lasting impact on the world. Each new discovery helps us carve our own path, liberating us from conformity or roles we never chose.
Our strength comes from creating and coloring our lives in ways that foster our well-being. Beauty emerges as we ask questions and provide room for the growth of what’s next.