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When We Matter

Dec 16, 2022 | Daily Trek, Inspiration

Wanting to Matter - Ayelet Baron - Radical Trekking

When We Matter

We all want to matter and make a difference. And it’s up to us whether we live each day to the fullest or pause and rest when we need.  

We no longer need to stuff ourselves with never ending tasks and activities. And take time off to address our burnout. Moments are precious in whatever way we want to experience them and make them matter.

And as 2022 comes to an end, we get to reflect on our choices. And understand that change is here for us to embrace at our own pace.

What if missing out is a myth since no one really knows us. How do we live with courage and no longer have any regrets? Because there is nothing to regret when we do our best.

Isn’t this a wonderful opportunity to follow our own heart and allow ourselves to experience everything from heartbreaks to joy? Because we can, And then we truly know who says they have our back and who actually does. Unless we experience everything, we stay stuck in stories. Boldness allows us to matter deeply in ways we have yet to imagine.

The Courage to Matter

Having the courage to test the waters allows us to become aware of what’s truly real as words are no longer enough. Love can no longer be tossed around as a concept but fully embodied in trusted relationships and community. We matter when we make everything very real and love fully with our heart and soul.

It is beautiful, and sometimes painful, to uncover the truth. And we get tested along the way so we can create the boundaries we need. The world owes us nothing but an opportunity to tap into our own soul. And along our path, we make choices. But we don’t need to stay stuck. Because absolute certainty and perfection are illusions.

Every day is an opportunity to start fresh and break free in whatever direction matters to us.

There is no ‘how to’ for the dynamics in life. It’s personal and the more natural and pure, the more we matter. Curiosity is an ally. 

Angela Maiers reminds us, “You are enough. You have influence. You are genius. You have a contribution to make. You have a gift the others need. You are the change. Your actions define your impact. You matter.” 

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