Traps, Seductions and Reality of True Collaboration
Experimenting with Trust, Communication and Leadership

Playing for the long haul means unstuffing ourselves from people, systems and things that no longer serve us.
Creating the next generation organizations, teams or structures for the emerging world requires a much different approach than the ones that we inherited or created.
It’s not about hybrid or remote work but what does work actually mean? And more importantly, what do we want to create when it comes to our individual and collective futures?
The Trek
The Traps, Seductions and Reality of True Collaboration Trek opens a door to experimenting with trust, communication and leadership.
This is our opportunity to become aware of the traps and seductions that get in our way so we can create a healthier reality where life and work are meaningful. Our greatest contribution to humanity is to charter healthy paths. And instead of re-imagining, re-structuring or re-considering broken systems, we own our power and create what we need most.
Key Benefits
There are three key areas of focus in The Traps, Seductions and Reality of True Collaboration Trek:
- There is so much opportunity when it comes to collaboration and at the heart of it is communication. What are some traps to be aware of?
- Seductions are all around us but we think of them mostly in romantic situations but this is a limiting belief. What are some seductions to unlearn and become aware of?
- The shifts that are taking place over the next five years are key to our future and being able to truly collaborate is foundational. What reality are you co-creating?
This trek will share a real-life experiment we conducted around collaboration and what is needed for effectively creating pods when it comes to people co-creating and working together.
There are some big traps and seductions that we encountered that helped free us from old stories and limiting beliefs that we’d love to share with you.
There is a long road ahead when it comes to building trusted relationships with people in different physical locations as well as co-located that will help any organization thrive.
Are you ready to step into the unknown?
Learn more and get in touch today!
Navigate to The Treks

The Future is Human
Everything is Already Here

Navigating the Shifts 2022 – 2027
The Implications for Life and Work

The Great Questioning
The Impact of Becoming Conscious Creators

Creating A Flourishing Human Culture
Unlocking the Future of Collaboration

Traps, Seductions and Reality of True Collaboration
Experimenting with Trust, Communication, and Leadership

Finding Courage to Trek into the Unknown
Leaping into Possibilities