Is Burnout Activity-Based? Activity seems to be celebrated quite a bit these days. Making lists. Cutting and pasting stuff. Ticking items off the lists. That’s all activity-based and busy work. And it doesn’t always translate into value creation and usually involves...
Let’s take responsibility for everything because when we do, we step into our power. Only we can be responsible for the choices we make. We can choose to feed on opportunities and not on solving problems or winning at all costs. It’s no longer just the responsibility...
Transforming from Providing Services to Creating Meaningful Experiences Experiences are becoming increasingly important. Customers care about whether a company can actually deliver on its promise. Brands spend billions of advertising and marketing dollars to capture...
Shifting Out of Autopilot Up until now, many of us have learned to be on autopilot and believe that things are as they are. But this is changing as we realize and become aware that there are other paths and opportunities we can take. We can put down the manual,...
Are We Ready for Return on Impact? When we hear ROI, we rarely think about Return on Impact as everything around us is about Return on Investment (the mechanical ROI). According to Investopedia, “Return on investment (ROI) is a performance measure used to...